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好好思考你們想要怎麼定調自己格局,以污名化的形式攻擊新冠病毒的受害者,合理化自己的言論,武漢的人民是整場疫情最大的受害者,多少人失去了至親與朋友,多少人因為封城沒了生計,無法湖口養家,多少具屍體縱橫醫院門口,多少醫護人員冒日夜用生命跟病毒搏鬥最後病倒,難道新冠病毒是這些人所引起的嗎?污名化對於身心造成的影響,包含加劇憂鬱症,物質濫用,心理壓力,堪比病毒本身° 台灣有著世界級的醫療防疫,希望人民也能有世界級素質,看完館長跟鍾名軒的影片我真的心都涼了一半,我不明白他們的言論怎麼會受到台灣人民的愛戴,反中共變成了反社會,在武漢人民沉浸在悲傷痛苦之際,以作為操弄意識型態,賣弄政治,散播仇恨塑造對立,攻擊落難者,難道這就是愛台灣的表現嗎?在全世界有多少亞洲人因為這個污名化而受到種族歧視,我們在美國的台灣學生特別有感,前幾天我朋友去超市買的東西到時候,美國人就對她大聲咆嘯,racial slur etc. 試想我們的心情°
台灣人,這是你們想要帶給國際的形象嗎?當全世界都在對抗病毒的時候,嘲笑攻擊受害者,我希望大家能獨立思考,“武漢肺炎” 這個名詞到底傷害了多少人°
最後針對這些所謂“網紅”的言論我做出一點回應,他們試圖用 “日本腦炎”,“德國麻疹” 作為比較,這些疾病 大概都是上個世紀的疾病了,幾十年前同性戀還是心理疾病呢. 避免以污名化的形式命名疾病早已經是世界的共識 你要活在20世紀還是要聽這些人發表這些資訊落後的言論?
“Concerned about the stigma that names of new diseases can cause to certain people and religion, the WHO came up with the new guidelines in May 2015. The WHO identified the best practices to name new human diseases in consultation and collaboration with the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The main aim behind this exercise was to “minimise unnecessary negative impact of disease names on trade, travel, tourism or animal welfare, and avoid causing offence to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional or ethnic groups”.
Dear fellow Taiwanese
I am writing this post as a joint opinion with a number of my fellow Taiwanese students, who are currently studying in the states. We are hoping to draw attention to the importance of name rectification for covid-19, a critical issue that has yet been discussed by a voice of reason (Not that I know of). I sincerely urge my fellow Taiwanese to stop referring to Covid-19 as "Wuhan or China Virus" for it is an uncivilized and hateful term that carries strong and undue stigma for people in Wuhan or China. It is a well-established consensus among public health experts and epidemiologist in international society that a disease should not be named after a geographical region.
Disease & Stigmatization
In the wake of the pandemic, instances of Asians around the world falling victims to racism and stigma of Covid-19 have been reported with an appalling frequency.
My friend Jennifer, was personally victimized a few days ago when she was shopping for groceries. She was verbally abused "You stupid Chinese bring in the virus!", as people watched and no one spoke in her defense. Could you imagine how terrified and humiliated she was? That's what happens when you stigmatize an illness. It affects us all indiscriminately because we are Asians. I would like to quote from Harvard Business Review on the "impact of stigmatization" and on the "just-world fallacy
"There is a moral as well as physical component, as well. We tend to believe that bad things happen to bad people. This “just-world fallacy” tricks us into thinking that people who are infected with a disease may have done something wrong to deserve it."(Earnshaw, 2020)
“The Toll of Stigma
My decades of research show that stigma harms the mental and physical health of people with disease. This stigma can take the forms of social rejection, gossip, physical violence, and denial of services. Experiencing stigma from others can lead to elevated depressive symptoms, stress, and substance use. Alarmingly, people don’t have to experience stigma from others to be negatively affected by it. Just anticipating stigma from other people — perhaps because you’ve already seen sick people be ostracized or judged for their illness — can lead to anxiety and stress. Infected people may also internalize stigma, believing that they did something wrong or are a bad person because they became infected with a disease. The fact that many Covid-19 patients are medically isolated compounds the problem — patients under such separation orders have been shown to be at greater risk of distress.” (Earnshaw, 2020)
Don't Let Fear of Covid-19 Turn into Stigma. (n.d.). Retrieved from