
#時事英文 #洛杉磯野火🔥 👇留言一起為美國洛杉磯集氣! 美國加州洛杉磯從1/7起發生多起毀滅性的火災,目前仍無法控制火勢蔓延,生命和地標都面臨著危險。😱今天 #史丹利英語 整理了五個「WIRED雜誌」講述這起大火的英文,例句也截自文章,記得把這篇文收藏起來唷❤️ ✨想學更多英文記得按讚追蹤 @史丹利英語 🚒engulf (v.) 吞沒;淹沒 Fires have engulfed entire neighborhoods, and flames are now threatening some of the city’s famous landmarks, including its iconic Hollywood sign. (Capilupi, 2025) 火災已吞噬整個社區,火焰現在正威脅著城市的一些著名地標,包括標誌性的好萊塢標誌。 🚒tinderbox (n.) (可能發生暴亂的)危險局勢 Recent drought conditions have turned the land into a tinderbox. (Capilupi, 2025) 最近的乾旱條件已經使這片土地變成了一個火藥庫。 🚒incinerate (v.) 把…燒成灰燼 Thousands have had their cars and other possessions incinerated. (Capilupi, 2025) 數千人的汽車和其他財物已被焚毀。 🚒flame retardant 阻燃劑 Fire crews on the ground have been joined by aircraft dropping water and flame retardants. (Capilupi, 2025) 地面上的消防隊伍已經有飛機加入,投放水和阻燃劑。 🚒vegetation (n.) 植被 Higher precipitation over the past two years has filled the landscape with vegetation. (Capilupi, 2025) 過去兩年較高的降雨量使這片土地長滿了植被。 原文網址: Capilupi, E.  (2025, January 9). The Devastating Los Angeles Fires in Pictures. Wired.
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